Friday, January 30, 2009

Who am I

Who am I. First of all I am a mom and a wife, I am a woman, I am sensitive...I am kind, I am a lover of animals, and am fiercely protective of my friends and family. I am also a thinker, a dreamer, and also a procrastinator...thus why I am a dreamer and a thinker. I want to have this blog to put my feelings out there, because many times, I dont tell people what i am thinking, I just get quiet....

Friday, December 28, 2007

Where to Start

I am 30, married to a wonderful man and 5 months pregnant. I have PCOS, am in a job that...well should I good some days and bad others. I dream of being a nurse or living on a yacht....whichever comes first. Oh yeah, I type with lots of dots...cause I stink at punctuation....

I love my family, my animals.....more to come